On Sunday 28.2. we held an anniversary celebration for more than 60 people at our Vitalvibe brick-and-
mortar store in Brno. Two synchronicities happened during this evening. One of them was even linked to
my new e-book May cause miracles, which is now available here on the site for free download as a gift.
To me it was a beautiful symbolism of how perfect divine timing is and how New Place makes itself
known in an absolutely magical way!

It was time to blow out the candle, but unexpectedly there was none on the cake. And so the universe came up with a solution
The first thing that happened was related to the moment when we were supposed to blow out the candle
on the cake. The shop was completely filled with people and Honza and I had just finished a short speech.
It's cake time.
I said, "Now we could blow out the candle." But suddenly I realized that there was actually no candle on
the cake! So I called across the entire store to the kitchen to see if anyone could bring a candle. At that
exact moment, the door to the shop opened and a lady came in. All in white. She even had blonde hair and
looked just like an angel. She held a huge candle with both hands and handed it to me. But she hadn ́t
heard my call to find the candle.
Standing next to me was a coach and quantum mentor Chris Seraphie, who looked at me and said: "That's really cool! Wow!"
I was also enchanted and excited. These things happen to me a lot, but it's amazing when they manifest in
front of so many people. I love these situations that even if you tried to plan it this way, you would probably not be successful. I thought to myself, this was an anniversary gift for me. Thank you universe!
At the workshop, I showed the magic of conscious eating
The celebration at Vitalvibe continued with my workshop, where I showed how to liven up one ́s diet with
truly nutritious foods for the body. I also realized that everyone should try to add the most important thing
to their diet in addition to superfoods – a conscious approach to eating.
I encouraged everyone to try to realize before eating if the food they are about to eat will really support
and nourish the body, or if it is just industrially processed food full of chemicals and empty calories. I also
mentioned that it's great to realize the connection between what we eat and how we feel after eating it.
This can also deter us from eating mindlessly the next time.
This way of eating is actually a bit of a spiritual practice. When you practice it as often as possible, you
will slowly begin to move towards a natural choice of foods and dishes that will maximally support you
on all levels. And when you succeed, you'll find that you no longer want to choose foods that don't do you
good and you'd rather fast, for example, than literally "slap" yourself unnecessarily. Being and feeling
hungry is actually healthy. And if you supplement it with an increased drinking regime in the form of pure
water, miracles will begin to happen to your body!
As soon as I finished the workshop, another wonderful synchronicity happened. In the evening we had a
I wanted to draw someone whose life could be changed by winning
At the end of the celebration, we drew the winners of the competition that took place that evening. There
was a competition for a large package of products from Vitalvibe. Before we drew the winner, I stated my
intention. I wanted to draw someone for whom the package could change their life and help the most.
On the winning ticket there was a woman who, as soon as I drew her, shared in front of everyone that she had read my new e-book May cause miracles that morning about synchronicities and miracles and that she had tried to wish for a win based on it. This was a wonderful confirmation for me of this next journey of mine. And not only for me, but also for this woman!
It was a beautiful demonstration of how it worked for her and how she simply made it possible thanks to
her attunement. At the same time, this in itself was a confirmation that each of us has a miraculous
essence within us and can start using it. Perhaps more than the products in the package, it was this
synchronicity that would change her life. Maybe because of that she started to believe in miracles a little
more that evening...
I wish that as many of you as possible will begin to believe and live this miraculous potential. May
something nice and magical happen to you today or tomorrow!
♥ Your Zuzka Noah