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Two incredible synchronicities connected to the launch of this website

The launch of this website was accompanied by 2 wonderful synchronicities. It's true that I wished for

something small, delightful and miraculous to happen. And it happened - not just once, but twice!

I launched the website on my 39th birthday

I launched these web pages on January 24, 2022, exactly on my 39th birthday. I decided to treat the

website launch as a ritual. So, before the launch, I spent 4 days alone at the Svatá Kateřina Resort, which

is located right next to a huge stone circle of Druids - the largest stone healing circle in the Czech



A few interesting facts about this stone circle: This stone circle is a modern replica of megalithic

structures that were created at the end of prehistory worldwide. Even back then, people knew about the

abilities of natural crystals and knew how to use them in their lives through various megalithic forms.

Especially the Western European Druids, who were the successors of the legendary Atlantis and the

predecessors of Celtic culture.

This circle was built in 2014 as the largest Cromlech in the Czech Republic. Its purpose is to aid people in

their spiritual development and improve health. The stones' influence on the surroundings and people is

derived from the abilities of crystals found in their clusters and alignment. These abilities process light,

mainly from the Sun and the Moon, as well as Earth and cosmic energy. The circle is unique in that its

center is a flat stone on three smaller pedestals, a design used by some Nordic cultures. The energetic

properties of this stone enable functions that common circles lack, making the circle's benefits for humans

very significant.

Image source: Google


The launch took place ritually right in the middle of the Druid Stone Circle

The website launch took place right at the center of this large Druid stone circle. In the heart of the circle

there is a massive stone several meters tall, on which I created a ritual altar. I placed candles, crystals, a

ritual mat with sacred geometry designed for this project, cards, incense and other ritual items that are

somehow connected to this project.

After preparing the space for the ritual, my husband Honza played a beautiful activation. We lit candles,

used our favorite incense Palo Santo and in silence, connected to the place, intention, circle, nature and

the entire universe, we initiated the launch of this website.

Tip: You can listen to this beautiful activation that accompanied the launch of the New Place website. You

can use it for yourself or in your rituals. Clicking the link will open it in a new window for you to listen.

During the ritual, a message came to me

Exactly ten minutes after beginning of this ritual, my friend Petr, who works with crystals (Krystaly

REON) and from whom I have most of my crystals, sent me a birthday message recording.

He was the only one who messaged at that exact moment, so I sensed that he was somehow a part of this ritual. I didn't know why at the time, but it became clear later in the afternoon. I messaged him back that it was a wonderful connection, that I was at a special place right now and launching a new project. Petr knows me well, so he wasn't surprised by this synchronicity. We exchanged greetings once again, but he didn't reveal anything more.

If I had known what Petr was doing at that moment, my excitement about this cosmic timing would have burst with joy!

In the evening, I learned what Petr and Honza had prepared for me

Petr, right at that moment when he messaged me, had just finished a drawing on a pouch for the stone that he and Honza had chosen as a birthday gift for me. Honza picked up the stone while we were driving back to Brno so that he could give it to me together with the kids in the evening, not only to celebrate my

birthday but also this story. The stone is meant to support me in this new project and on my new journey.

It was with me remotely the whole time and wanted to be part of the ritual. Simply wow! Perfect timing.

And that's not all! The stone fulfilled another wish of mine

During those 4 days when I was alone and finalizing the website, I kept feeling that I wanted some

jewelry for the launch or after the launch of this project.

And this also fulfilled itself in perfect timing because the stone that Honza and Petr chose for me is

actually a necklace! The universe knows how to design things perfectly. Creating synchronicity with a gift

and a story to go along with it!

For each stone from Petr, you will also receive a bag with a unique symbol created by automatic drawing

for the given stone. Additionally, Petr can write a special personal message for the person who purchases

the stone. I love it when people love their work and in Petr's case, it's a perfect connection between a

person and their mission. His connection with the realm of crystals is indeed very unique and exceptional.

After launching the website, something unexpected happened. I sense that this project is exactly this strong!

After I launched the New Place website in the stone circle and activated the pages, my entire second

website "Love of Raw" crashed. In the 7 years that I've had it, this has never happened to me before! At

the same time, the whole hosting went down - meaning all the websites hosted like mine suddenly stopped

working. This could be hundreds to thousands of websites!

When we called support, they told us that in their 19 years of operation, this has never happened to them

and they are working on restoring the websites. This is also very symbolic to me. It was a message and a

manifestation of the strength and support that comes with this project. These were synchronicities for me,

which once again showed me how miraculous life is and how everything is interconnected.

And how do you perceive this story? As a coincidence or a synchronicity?

♥ Your Zuzka Noah


Tip: Crystals and high-vibration plates for personal rituals

I received the sacred geometry plate, which you see in the center of the altar, as a gift from Krista at It was made specifically for this project. If you would like a plate for your rituals, take a

look at Instagram or Facebook "Poklady z RestartujSe" (Treasures from RestartujSe). Each one is

original, handmade and above all, made with love. Alternatively, you can have a plate custom-made for

your project, intention, or personal and corporate rituals.

If you wish for a beautiful crystal from someone who understands crystals and has a deep connection with

them, I wholeheartedly recommend Petr Řezníček from Krystaly REON. Their crystals have been part of

my life for many years. From the smallest personal and household ones to corporate ones, all the way to a

huge 60 kg crystal from the Himalayas, which is connected with the creation of New Place. You can find

Krystaly REON only on Facebook, where they also have online sales. They also attend various events

with their crystals. Alternatively, you can arrange a personal visit to see the crystals near Brno.


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