Place for miracles
cacao and chocolate
This place may cause miracles
I love miracles. And meeting you here is one of them. It's not a coincidence. I welcome you with an open heart.
This space tha t I have created can help you transform your life into one of great ease, joy and abundance.
Maybe only one small step into the unknown is all that is needed to afford what you've been dreaming of
all your life.

Your only limit is your mind.

My name is Zuzka Noah.
I am a visionary, mentor, mother of two beautiful children, creative soul and co-founder of several
projects and companies.
I love life on this planet, unlimited possibilities and miraculous solutions. My life is full of
synchronicities, small as well as big miracles and magical moments. My belief in the miraculousness of life is absolute and I would like to transmit some of it to you through this project.
I love to share with other people what works perfectly for me and pass it on.
I have been doing this for a long time already within the framework of my beloved plant-based food topic - through Love of Raw, Vitalvibe and Vitalvibe Longevity projects.
I will show you a path you may not have taken before.
In this new project, I will share with you the inspirations that inspire myself as well. Stories you might not even want to believe.
I will show you the way to places you may not have gone before because you were afraid to follow your heart, to follow your alignment.
I will give you inspiration and motivation to live life differently.
I will show you a different view of life - in easiness, joy and miraculousness. I will give you more
courage, faith and detached view. And I will help you apply the changes in your life - and thus bring
smaller or bigger miracles into it.
Come and allow yourself to experience miracles in your life together with me!
I would like to transmit to you the essence of my life attunement and a mindset that together bring me a wonderful fairytale life and a loving reality.
Are you ready?

Find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.

A newsletter that can change your life
New Place
This place is a miracle
A space for the miracles of life, universe and everyday life. Space for stories, awareness, an open mind and a new perspective on life and situations. Space for endless inspiration to live a much more miraculous life than you've lived so far.
A space where I choose love and not fear. Space for support on your heart's journey. Space for harmony and connection. A space that will help you relax into easiness, joy and a good feeling about each day and about yourself. A space where everything has a solution. And not just one, but several! A space that raises the vibration and level of consciousness. Space for myself, for you, for all of us and for planet Earth. A space of endless possibilities, synchronicities, magic and miracles. Space for inspiration and motivation to take the smallest steps on the path of your soul. A space that each of us can create. First within ourselves and then gradually all around us.
And so I have decided to launch this site and say YES to this space and this project that has been calling my attention throughout my whole life.
This is my new journey. Welcome to being part of it. Come with me to create a loving reality and to move through life in easiness, the essence of miraculousness and absolute abundance on all levels.
It is possible.
For myself.
For you.
For all of us.

Miracle inspiration

E-book: May Cause Miracles
A 60-page e-book that will open the way for you to live in even greater joy, easiness and wonder.
This e-book was born out of a huge passion and desire to inspire you to live the life you have always dreamed of, or maybe you haven't even allowed yourself to dream of yet.
You will find there many clues, stories, inspirations, techniques and mindsets that will help you see situations differently and, thanks to this, experience your life with greater ease, joy and perhaps even wonder.
One of the things this e-book will show you is that anything is possible! And moreover, this "everything" can happen magically and miraculously!
If you are attracted to this e-book, there is surely something in it for you that will open you up to start living an absolutely wonderful, fulfilling, loving and miraculous life - if you allow yourself to. It is written with this intention. And through this energy and vibration, it will intuitively attract those whom it
can help on the path to a beautiful life and all that they dream of.
I wish that thanks to this e-book, miracles and synchronicities will become a natural way of understanding and experiencing your world and reality.
I am already looking forward to the magic that will be shown to you, that you will soon experience!
E-book will come to your e-mail as a gift. If you want to receive it, enter your email below this text.